A very warm Welcome!
How wonderful That you have found us.
This online store is brought to you by a highly skilled and committed team of Ishaya monks with backgrounds in the Design & Fashion world.
Our online shop showcases the latest designs and products for you
to enjoy, to wear, to gift and to share.
Our message is simple:
Every human being came into this life
with a divine purpose:
To discover Heaven on Earth.
We also know it doesn’t always look like this as we live in a world where we get easily overwhelmed with stress, fear and negative self-talk.
To heal this within ourselves and the world, we are on a journey to retrain our attention to go inward and rediscover our natural state, the Peace which passes Understanding, a source of Equilibrium which resides within all of us, however long lost or buried.
This is beyond seeking; it’s living the purpose of our existence as human beings. We live our lives no matter what, so we might as well live it fully.
Our message is simple. Heaven on Earth is not just a slogan, it’s a quest, a destiny, and a state of being that resides within all of us; it starts with us, and it starts within.
We hope our designs act as small reminders to help you LIVE LIFE FULLY … full of Joy, Wonder, Love, and Truth. Right here and now; moving us all into living the fullest versions of ourselves and of our lives.
Thank you for finding us, we hope you will help spread the word…